A cool React Todo App prototype :)

A cool React Todo App prototype :)

A few days ago, I took a technical test with multiple tasks, and one of them was to create a very very simple Todo App component, with one input to create new tasks, a button to add them, and the ability to toggle their className when they got clicked (Active/completed). The time was very limited and i got confused as I felt I had to use class components which was not natural to me, but I got most of it, and this process is still ongoing.

Anyways, what started as "me wanting to write a clean version using hooks instead in a limited time" ended up as "Let's spend 3 days writing a complete responsive layout using a Redux store (Ok this might have been overkill for this project, but you never practice too much!)

Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 15-59-34 React App.png

And I was actually surprised by two things:

  • For most of it, I did not have major technical difficulties.
  • This was actually rather time consuming!

I mean, "it's just a simple "todo app", right?

Sure, but still, a lot of things are involved here:

  • React.
  • Redux for state management.
  • SASS for responsive styling.
  • Material UI for the datepicker (using fns-date)

It also uses quite a lot of hooks to handle renders and side effects: useRef, useState, useSelector, useDispatch, useEffect...

Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 15-59-08 React App.png

Of course this would have been faster if I actually thought I was going to build such an "evolved" version of my initial idea :) So there was a lot of changes in the layout as things evolved and content was added. The code has been refactored 2 times, setting out some business logic in separate JS files, breaking dow components into smaller units...

I also commented it so you can go have a look on my github repository here:


And a live build here:


Feel free to give me some feedback, and I'll be happy to answer any questions :)

Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 16-00-01 React App.png